Jun 24Liked by Emily Harrison

Emily, thank you so much for your vital message! I've been saying this every opportunity I have as well, but often to apparently deaf ears. I even got push back from a famous Christian digital media evangelist. https://thatdougsmith.com/2023/03/12/does-social-media-help-or-hinder-discipleship-responding-to-the-brady-shearer-critique/.

I'm also a ScreenStrong ambassador, and wrote a book you might want to consider for your Substack. https://unintentionalbook.com/.

Screen time is the discipleship issue of our age. We're missing it, and it's so tragic. I hear "we just need to be balanced" so much. What a lie. And if it's a lie, where do lies come from?

So keep challenging us, Emily! It's really important!

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Thanks, Doug! What a great observation .... "where do lies come from"? I appreciate you reading along and your advocacy on the same front.

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For someone to bully me as a child they had to be in my presence and somehow be intimidating. Otherwise there was no fear. So tragic with social media without those built in limitations.

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