Can following 4 action steps laid out in a popular new book by social psychologist Jonathan Haidt really solve the mental health crisis plaguing today's teens? What, if anything, can Christians learn?
Thanks so much for mentioning the other authors who wrote books before Haidt's book. I appreciated Haidt's book of course but back in 2017, I read Dunckley's book first and it was eye opening. Then I went on to read other books about screens and children and screens and adults. I hardly hear those books mentioned in these newer books so I greatly appreciate you mentioning them!!
Thanks so much for mentioning the other authors who wrote books before Haidt's book. I appreciated Haidt's book of course but back in 2017, I read Dunckley's book first and it was eye opening. Then I went on to read other books about screens and children and screens and adults. I hardly hear those books mentioned in these newer books so I greatly appreciate you mentioning them!!