How to Support Governor Youngkin's Call for Phone Free Schools
It's time we remove distracting devices from the classroom. Adults, the kids need our help!
Recently I was talking to a group of teenage girls about smartphone use. When I asked about using phones in the classroom, they all agreed it was a problem and a major distraction. Only one of their teachers was successful in banning phone use during class time (resulting in this being one girl’s favorite class and teacher).
Nationwide, 83% of teachers support an all-day phone free policy but they need administrative and parental support to be successful. Governor Yougkin’s Executive Order #33 is crafting guidance for schools across the Commonwealth on how to do just that.
This is a quick effort they are undertaking and they are asking for as much feedback as possible. There are four ways to get involved:
1. Attend a “Commonwealth Conversations”. There are 8 of these around the state between July 18 -Aug 6. Go and speak in support of the Executive Order. Not sure what to say? My previous post gives lots of research and information. Or check out the Phone Free Schools Movement website.
2. Write an op-ed for your local newspaper, email your friends and family and share this post!
3. Submit online feedback. You can share your thoughts on the Va Dept of Ed website. Draft guidance will be issued August 15 and another comment period will start then.
4. Adults, if you have social media, you can Share the attached image with hashtags #EO33 #GovernorYoungkin #phonefreeschools